Sevice Learning

 I enjoyed our service learning opportunities immensely. The pride event was fun, and helping run check in at Sant'anna was just fine. But my favorite one we did was the afternoon we spent at the center for differently abled adults. Everyone was so nice, and it was very fulfilling to interact with them. The activities we did were also very fun. I liked the dancing, and learning the history behind it was awesome. Everything we learned about the Commedia dell'arte was fascinating as well. I was already familiar with the concept, as my dad is an actor and talks about stuff like that all the time, but learning about it in greater detail was fun! I liked doing the Pulcinella movements. I also really enjoyed the Tarantella, even if the true reason for doing it were a bit less whimsical than a spider bite. The man who taught the class was really cool, and it was nice seeing how much the staff cared for everyone. But honestly? One of the coolest things about it was the really old olive tree that was in the courtyard. I had never seen one that looked like that, all huge and gnarled. All in all, it was a very fulfilling experience.


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