Best Bits!

 Another compilation! This will be my favorite stuff overall, the little stories that didn't warrant entire blog posts. These are mostly little interactions with people that really stuck with me. We start off strong with the pigeon I saw in the airport, who cracked me up for no particular reason other than he was a pigeon walking around inside an airport. There was the man at Raki who, while I felt I didn't go that many times, (I think 4 in total) especially with how many people go through there a day, remembered me. And when I ordered in italian, told me I had a very nice accent. There was the woman in the cafe playing cotton eye joe who, when I told her I was from Texas, said "Oh, Yee haw?" and gave me a discount. There was the very nice woman in the Conad city who helped me buy laundry detergent, and then I randomly bumped into later and asked me if the detergent she had recommended had worked. There was when I accidently ordered my sandwich with pomeriggio instead of pomodoro at the panino shop, and the lady laughed at me, but it was very funny. There were the three free glasses of wine I got at a restaurant for seemingly no reason. There was the woman who owned one of the restaurants I ate at who recognized me and waved and said "Ciao, Bella." every time I walked past on the way to class. All in all, the people really made the trip for me. Everyone was so nice and friendly, and I truly felt welcomed without anyone having to really try that hard.


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