
  Ladies and gentlemen, I am NERVOUS. Excited too, of course, but I don't think I'll be able to fully relax until I park myself in my seat on my silly little flight. I leave on Tuesday. TUESDAY. That's so incredibly SOON. I feel at once over and underprepared, as well as over and under packed. I think I have everything I need, but worry that I've overlooked something. My only comfort is that most things I might forget I will be able to buy there. My main concern right now is that I've never flown alone before, and it's been a while since I've been on a plane at all, so...I don't really know how airports work. But, I will simply have to figure it out like everybody else. To be fair, I do appreciate how much help everyone I've asked has given me as I've been preparing. I tend to get so nervous about doing things wrong that I opt instead to not do them at all...which obviously is less than helpful. So I've been very grateful to the people who have helped hold me accountable. 

    On a lighter note, I really am excited to arrive. I'm excited about the class we will be taking, and the activities lined up for us. I'm a history (and anthropology) major, so I'm particularly interested in the ruins, but the cooking class sounds very fun as well! I expect to learn a lot on this trip, and really immerse myself in the culture. While I'm usually not a big spender, on this trip I think I'll let myself splurge a bit. It's a once in a lifetime experience after all. My friends have all placed their orders for souvenirs, as they seem to be under the impression that I'm made of money, but they'll get what they get. All in all, I've brushed up on my Italian, I've gotten my affairs in order, and I think I'm ready to go. All I need now is to convince myself. See you in Italy!


  1. I am excited for you, too! You will be OK in the airports if you just read all the signs and don't hesitate to ask questions. Once you get there, there will be lots of other students to share info with and you will be fine. On the trip -- don't forget to drink water along the way! And don't spend ALL your money -- or at least save some for the delicious Italian food! There -- that's my best
    "Grandma advice"!


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